Privacy policy and personal data protection

Privacy Statement and Personal Data Security

The privacy and privacy policy of our website refers to the privacy of personal information that is collected and used and the security of such personal information collected. With this Statement, we would like to introduce you to our security measures and data collection methods.

By using this website, you are granting access to this privacy and privacy policy. It is important to know that at any time, free of charge and without any explanation, you may waive your privileges to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information from the date you granted. You can submit your right to access, correction, forgetting, limitation, objection and information by using our e-mail address or phone that posted on our contact page.

All our online activities in compliance with European legislation (EU Directive 95/46/EC, 2002/58/EC and Treaty Conventions ETS 108, ETS 181, ETS 185, ETS 189) and national legislation of the Republic of Croatia (Implementation Act of the General Data Protection Act NN 42/18, Implementation Act of EU Regulation no. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Council Directive 1999/93/EC).


This site uses the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit data encryption (SSL encryption is a data encryption procedure to prevent unauthorized access when transmitted), which means sending e-mail messages via a form contact. Websites with correct SSL encryption show the green locked lock icon followed by https:// and the domain name in the URL of the web browser.

Any personal information you have made available to us will be encrypted to avoid data misuse by third parties.

Collecting and processing personal information

A personal data is any information relating to an individual whose identity is known or can be determined directly or indirectly, in particular by means of data such as name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal information that you voluntarily leave us.

You can use our website without disclosing and collecting your personal information. You are not required to provide us with your personal information as a condition of use of the site, unless it is necessary to provide you with the service or allow us to use our product in accordance with your request.

By submitting a query to our e-mail address, we get some personal information we use to provide you with the most quality service and answer your query. Transferring such data over the Internet is protected by SSL encryption. This includes protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or data damage.

Purpose of Use

The data we collect used only for the purpose providing our products and services or for other purposes for which you have given your permission, unless otherwise provided by law.

Personal Data Retention Period

Data is kept as long as necessary to fulfill the obligations and services for which you have given your consent, and for up to one year after which it will be deleted, unless otherwise provided by law or if it is defined by the Contractual Agreement.


Web cookies (English: web cookies) or simply cookies are small text files that Internet browsers save on the computer, in order to enable additional functionality of websites. The most common example of their application is providing functionality for faster access to web pages to remember the login - the cookie contains login information, so re-login to the page is skipped. Advertising or third-party cookies may violate the user's privacy. They are designed as a simple mechanism for websites that use them to store key information (including items added to shopping lists in online stores) or the user's online history. They can also be used to store information entered in certain fields of web forms (names, addresses, passwords, etc.).

Our website does not use any advertising or third-party cookies and accordingly does not collect or store any user data.

All YouTube video files are loaded and played on our website from the domain without tracking user activity.

Necessary and system cookies

If necessary, our websites use and temporarily store necessary and system cookies such as PH_HPXY_CHECK, CC_COOKIE and PHPSESSID solely for the purpose of the security of our website and you as a user. Necessary and system cookies do not collect or store any personal data. When the user closes the browser, all these cookies are automatically deleted by the web browser.

Right of Insight and Correction

For all your personal data that you provide to us via e-mail or by phone, you have the right to view, correct, supplement and delete them, as well as limit the processing of your data. If you want to exercise your rights, contact us with your request via our e-mail address or phone number published on our contact page.

We do not publish or provide your personal data to third parties without your personal consent, provided to us in written or digital form.

Right to Complaint to a Competent Body

At any time, you can send a complaint to the supervisory authority regarding our collection and processing of your personal information. You can file a complaint to the Republic of Croatia at Personal Data Protection Agency .

Changes to our privacy policy

In the event of a change in our privacy policy, we will notify you about this on our site and update the date of the policy change below as follows. These changes come into effect immediately on the announcement itself. This Privacy Policy was last modified on April 20, 2024.